What is Mikron's ticker symbol?

Which exchange is Mikron's stock traded on?
Mikron's shares are traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange, Zurich (Domestic Standard)

What was the date of Mikron's Initial Public Offering (IPO)?
Mikron went public in 1983.

How many shares of Mikron stock are registered?
As of December 31, 2021, 16,712,744 shares are registered.

What is Mikron's shareholder structure?
Go to the Significant Shareholders page to see an overview of the shareholder structure.

What is Mikron's fiscal year?
Mikron's fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31.

Does Mikron have a Dividend Reinvestment Program (DRIP)?
No, there is no such program.

In what year was Mikron founded?
Maschinenfabrik Mikron AG was founded in the Swiss town of Biel in 1908. You will find more information about Mikron's history on the History page.

Where can I find information on the company's history?
This online Mikron timeline provides a good overview of Mikron's history.

How can I obtain financial information on Mikron?
The financial report is part of the Mikron Annual Report. You can download the Annual Report on the Reports page. If you require a hard copy, please complete the order form.

How do I obtain a copy of the Annual Report?
You can download the Mikron Annual Report on the Reports page.  If you require a hard copy, please complete the order form.

When is the next Annual General Meeting?
The 2023 Annual General Meeting will be held on April 26, 2023. For further information on Mikron's financial agenda go to the Agenda page.

When will Mikron publish the 2021 Annual Report?
The 2022 Annual Report will be published on March 10, 2023. For further information on Mikron's financial agenda go to the Agenda page.

When will the media and analysts conference on the 2021 Annual Report take place?
The media and analysts conference will be held in March 2023. For further information on Mikron's financial agenda go to the Agenda page.

Who is Mikron's independent auditor?
PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd, Berne, Switzerland

How do I contact Mikron Investor Relations?
Please contact Mikron Investor Relations by e-mail or phone:ir.mma(at)mikron.com, +41 91 610 62 09.

How do I contact Mikron Board members?
Dr. Javier Perez Freije, Chief Financial Officer, will provide you with further information. Please contact him by e-mail or phone: ir.mma(at)mikron.com, +41 91 610 62 09.

Where can I find information about Mikron's Board of Directors?
On the page Mikron's Board of Directors. Click on each member's name to read their biography.

Where can I find information about Mikron's executive staff?
On the page Mikron's Group Management. Click on each member's name to read their biography.

Where can I find information on the company?
This corporate information page contains a variety of information regarding Mikron.

What is Mikron's strategy?
Mikron's strategy is outlined on our Strategy page

What are Mikron's values and mission?
Mikron's values and mission are outlined on our Mission & Values page